Moringa and Glucoma

Moringa and Glucoma

As per recent statistics, three million Americans have glaucoma. But only about half of them are aware of their glaucoma condition. At a global level, Glaucoma has been found to be leading cause of blindness in elderly people. Blindness due to glaucoma can be prevented with early treatment.

A person may not notice any symptoms as the disease progresses slowly. It can take your sight very gradually. If detected early it can be treated using glaucoma eye drops or glaucoma surgery. Optic nerve is connected to the retina, with many tender nerve fibers. Optic nerves get signals from retina and send them to brain. It is in the brain, these signals are converted as the images you see.

Fluid flows out of the eye through the drainage angle in a healthy eye. In a healthy eye, excess fluid leaves the eye through the drainage angle, while keeping pressure stable. In the healthy eye, a clear fluid known as aqueous humor circulates inside the front portion of your eye. Your eye produces a small amount of aqueous humor continually, when you have a constant healthy eye pressure. Once you have glaucoma, the aqueous humor cannot flow out of the eyes in the proper way. Fluid pressure in the eye builds up over a course of time. It can slowly damage the delicate optic nerve fibers.

There are several types of glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma, secondary glaucoma, normal-tension glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma, glaucoma suspect and congenital glaucoma are some of the types. Most prevalent form of glaucoma is primary open-angle glaucoma. Elevated eye pressure leads to damage of the optic nerve. Damage to any of the optic nerves can occur at different eye pressures in different patients. Ophthalmologist will set a target eye pressure. Using that parameter they predict, whether your optic nerve is damaged.

Each one patient will be set different target pressures. Open-angle glaucoma will not show any symptoms in its early stages and your vision remains normal. Normal eye pressure will be less than 21 mm Hg. Some people have a type of glaucoma known as low-tension and glaucoma normal-tension. Their eye pressure is uniformly below 21 mm Hg. Optic nerve damage and loss of vision still occur gradually. This may not be detected unless you go for regular eye check up.

Angle-closure glaucoma

This type happens when a person’s iris is near to the drainage angle in their eye. Iris can finish up blocking the drainage angle. In this condition eye pressure rises quickly. Congenital glaucoma is a rare type of glaucoma, which develops in infants and young children and can be inherited. Even though it is rare than the other types of glaucoma, this condition can lead to serious eye conditions.

Secondary glaucoma

Secondary glaucoma is glaucoma that results from another eye condition or disease. Most common forms of secondary glaucoma are: pseudo exfoliative glaucoma, pigmentary glaucoma, neo vascular glaucoma. When you have developed glaucoma and identified earlier stage, you can treat it with herbs. It is advisable to strengthen the optic nerves by taking the herbs which supply rich vitamin A. Apart from this you need an herb that increases your immunity. Moringa leaf powder contain 7564 IU units of vitamin A.

This unique supplement has been found to improve functions of various optic nerves. Moringa oleifera leaf powder has extraordinary amounts of lutein, necessary for eye care. Approximately 100 g of leaves contain more than 70 mg of lutein, while recommended dosage for adult is 5 – 20 mg. Lutein plays a vital role in eye care by effectively reducing risk of age related macular degeneration.

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